Remon Kanoko(in japanese)

Remon Kanoko(in japanese)
Japanese Common Name
Remon Kanoko
Scientific name
Clithon souverbiana
Order: Cycloneritimorpha, Family: Neritidae
About 1 cm (size of the shell)
Species Distribution
Okinawa Islands and southward, Indo-West Pacific
Okinawa Red List of Threatened Species: Near Threatened
Japan Red List of Threatened Species: Near Threatened
This species inhabits beach groundwater, which is water in sands or gravels in areas such as river beds and tidal flats. It hatches from an egg as a veliger larva with long hair-like cilia and it spreads to different areas with ocean currents. The concern this species is facing is that coastal developments are destroying natural shorelines and deteriorating/reducing the habitats.

Updated December 2018

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