Ryukyu Long-tailed Giant Rat

Ryukyu Long-tailed Giant Rat
English Common Name
Ryukyu Long-tailed Giant Rat
Scientific name
Diplothrix legata
Order: Rodentia, Family: Muridae
22 cm – 33 cm
Species Distribution
Northern area of Okinawa Island, Amamioshima and Tokushima Islands
Local Common Name
Yama aji, Yama ah ji
National Special Natural Monument
National Endangered Species
Okinawa Red List of Threatened Species: Critically Endangered
Japan Red List of Threatened Species: Endangered
Its tail has hair.

Its tail has hair.

It is found in chinquapin trees and feeds on chinquapin nuts and insects. The hair on the back is 3 cm long with flat, spiky hairs 2.5 cm in length. Thicker hairs from 5cm to 6cm in length mixed throughout the body. Hair is found not only on its body but also on tail. Not good at moving on the ground, these nocturnal animals live in trees. They make burrows in trees and stay there during the day. They build nests for their young by packing leaves into the burrows from the forest floor.The Ryukyu Long-haired Rat is the biggest rat found in Japan. Large trees with enough space to make burrows are needed for habitats.

※Please Note!
Diplothrix legata is a national endangered species and National Natural Monument. Please refer to the Act on Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora and Japan"s law for the Protection of Cultural Properties.
Updated June 2017

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