Kobanomiyama Nobotan(in japanese)

Kobanomiyama Nobotan(in japanese)
Japanese Common Name
Kobanomiyama Nobotan
Scientific name
Bredia okinawensis
Order: Myrtales, Family: Malastomataceae
50 cm – 100 cm (height)
Species Distribution
Okinawa Island
Okinawa Red List of Threatened Species:Vulnerable
Japan Red List of Threatened Species:Vulnerable
This is an endemic species of Ryukyu Islands. This species can be found on well-lit forest floors in mountainous regions with natural woods and slopes along forest roads and cliffs along rivers. The plant population decrease influenced by over-collection of the plant for horticulture, logging of natural forests, and habitat submergence due to dam development is a concern.

Updated February 2019

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