Small Cigar Stick Insect

Small Cigar Stick Insect
English Common Name
Small Cigar Stick Insect
Scientific name
Datames mouhoti
Order: Phasmida, Family: Baciliidae
About 3.8 cm – 5.1 cm
Species Distribution
Within Japan, it can be found in the Kyushu area and southward. Overseas, its distribution extends to areas such as China, Taiwan, and Cambodia.
It used to be classified as the family of Phylliidae, but recent DNA analysis leads the classification to the family Baciliidae. Insects in the family Phasmatidae are known to reproduce parthenogenetically, which means females reproduce offspring without males. However, male population in this species is higher than the other species. Sometimes they can be observed mating as a pair.

Updated November 2018

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