Barred Mudskipper

Barred Mudskipper
English Common Name
Barred Mudskipper
Scientific name
Periophthalmus argentilineatus
Order: Perciformes, Family: Gobiidae
About 8 cm
Species Distribution
South of Amamioshima in the Ryukyu Group, subtropical and tropical areas in the West Pacific Ocean
Okinawan Common Name
This species is found in muddy areas such as tidal flats making burrows on the ground. It can breathe with its skin as well its gills, so it is well mobilized on land, too. Barred Mudskipper is closely related to a Mudskipper found in mainland Japan. Both species are found in Okinawa prefecture, but the former is more populated in the area. Pectoral fins are used to move around on grounds as it catches food such as small crabs and shrimp. The Japanese name was named after the way it jumps around using the tail fin.

Updated June 2017

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