Okinawa Spiny Rat

Okinawa Spiny Rat
English Common Name
Okinawa Spiny Rat
Scientific name
Tokudaia muenninki
Order: Rodentia, Family: Muridae
12 cm – 17.5 cm
Species Distribution
Northern area of Okinawa Island
National Natural Monument
National Endangered Species
Okinawa Red List of Threatened Species: Critically Endangered
Japan Red List of Threatened Species: Critically Endangered
The coat contains hair that covers the whole body and spikes about 2 cm in length. The species is found in tall chinquapin trees. It feeds on insects and nuts from chinquapin and pine trees. As a nocturnal animal, it jumps aroud during nighttime and stays in a burrow during daytime. During breeding season (October to December) the mother can bear five to ten babies. It was considered extinct due to the lack of sightings of the species since 2003. However, experts identified its existence in pictures taken during the Okinawan Rail survey in 2008. 15 years later, a survey team successfully captured a female Okinawa Spiny Rat. This finding is the first capture in 30 years!

※Please Note!
Tokudaia muenninki is a national endangered species and National Natural Monument. Act on Conservation of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, and Okinawa Prefecture’s law for the Protection of Cultural Properties.
Updated June 2017

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