Ryukyu Brown Frog

Ryukyu Brown Frog
English Common Name
Ryukyu Brown Frog
Scientific name
Rana okinavana
Order: Auura, Family: Ranidae
3 cm – 5 cm
Species Distribution
Okinawa and Kumejima Islands
Okinawa Red List of Threatened Species: Vulnerable
Japan Red List of Threatened Species: Near Threatened
This species is a skinny frog found in forests. Generally, the body is a brownish-red, but some can be more red or gray. This species makes noise like birds tweeting. It used to be considered the same species as Brown Frog found in Amami and Tokunoshima Islands, but a recent study found the Ryukyu Brown Frog is different from other frogs. Brown Frog found in the Amami area was named Amami Brown Frog.

Updated July 2017

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