Bearded Mudskippe

Bearded Mudskippe
English Common Name
Bearded Mudskippe
Scientific name
Scartelaos histophorus
Order: Perciformes, Family: Gosbiidae
Up to 12 cm
Species Distribution
In Japan, Okinawa Island. Outside of Japan, northern Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia and Taiwan.
Okinawan Common Name
Okinawa Red List of Threatened Species:Critically Endangered
Japan Red List of Threatened Species:Critically Endangered
Localized populations of Periophthalmus modestus and P. argentilineatus are found where this species are found on Okinawa Island, but it can be identified from the other species since this species has a slender body and hook-shaped first dorsal fin.  Its mating season starts in spring, and male’s courtship displays such as jumping and leaping with back-bending its back can be observed during the season.

Updated February 2019

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