"Okinawa Ikimono Lab" Is the official website to inform the world about the biodiversity of Okinawa as an <Okinawa Brand>



Terms of Use (Image Data)

How to use movies

All movies, photos, and texts on this website fall under “Attiribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (BY–NC–SA)” Creative Commons License, hereafter referred to as CC licensing. By fulfilling the conditions below, these movies can be shared for non-commercial use or second use.

  1. You shall give appropriate credit to "Nature Conservation Division, Department of Environment and Community Affairs, Okinawa Prefectural Government."
  2. If these images are edited or modified for use, CC licensing as the same as the original image, “BY–NC–SA” shall be set with the new image.

What is Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike?


Any data such as movies, photos, or texts shall be used as in the order of an example below. “Product, Title of the Product, Credit, CC licensing mark”

If no modification is made, but data is used as they are, please put lines as follows:
"Title: Forest Industry in Okinawa"
By Nature Conservation Division, Department of Environment and Community Affairs, Okinawa Prefectural Government


Under the condition that the use of any data such as movies, photos, and texts on our website is non-commercial purpose, you can use them freely without getting permission of use from us.
However, if any monetary or other profit are expected to you, our data cannot be used.


Any modification is made on a part of or entire data from our website such as movies, photos, and texts to be posted in public, you shall post information in the following order. Title of your derivative, name of yours/company’s/organization’s, CC license, about original author, where the original item is available with URL

If any revision is made, please refer our website as follows:
"(Title of your derivative)"
By "Your, Company or Organization Name."
This item is a derivative. Original item 『Title:Forest Industry in Okinawa」By Nature Conservation Division, Department of Environment and Community Affairs, Okinawa Prefectural Government』is available at http://biodiversity.okinawa/video_pages/photo_gallery/

If you cannot follow the procedures below, we may ask you to stop using our data.

If you have any questions or comments, please contact us by email as in below.

Even if the licensing is not applicable as Attiribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (BY-NC-SA), there can be exceptions of our website use. This is when the activity is considered to have public benefits. For more detail, please contact Nature Conservation Division, Department of Environment and Community Affairs, Okinawa Prefectural Government.

You can reach us.
Nature Conservation Division, Department of Environment and Community Affairs, Okinawa Prefectural Government
MAIL: info@biodiversity.okinawa